Hypnotherapy – Rescuing you from emotional hijacking

Human beings, in common with all mammals, share the same five defensive states evolved over time to help us respond to danger and keep us alive. But what are these five defensive states? And how can they feel like such stressful burdens to us today?

You’re probably familiar with the first two—Fight and Flight—but there are three more that you may not be aware of:

  1. Fight: Becoming aggressive in the face of a perceived threat (perception is all!)
  2. Flight: The urge to flee a stressful—or seemingly stressful—situation
  3. Freeze: A reaction that doesn’t feel like a reaction at all; not being able to think or move
  4. Submit: Appeasing others when faced with a threatening situation
  5. Attach: Forming unhealthy bonds after perceived situations of stress

Typically, people react in a conditioned way and so one of the above states can become their predominant response.

When our brains react to real threats and perceived threats—they can override our regulated state. And being in hijacked emotional states like these can lead to much unhappiness, frustration, confusion, and exhaustion. Not to mention the effects it can have on our relationships.

With effective hypnotherapy, I can help you to uncover and learn how to rise above the hold each state can have on you, to see things more clearly, and to break free of unhelpful and unnecessary conditioned responses such as high anxiety.

If you are interested in finding out more about how hypnotherapy can help rescue you from emotional hijacking, just give me a call on 7976 701223 or request a call back.